nfink, Author at Elaine's Magnetic World The essence of Beauty splashed with wellness! Thu, 24 Nov 2022 01:05:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 209284382 Tudes Work! Here’s Proof! Sat, 10 Sep 2022 16:07:38 +0000 An extensive list of studies that show magnets of lesser strength help in many different inflammatory type conditions.

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The post Tudes Work! Here’s Proof! appeared first on Elaine's Magnetic World.

What’s the Buzz About? Sat, 10 Sep 2022 15:55:17 +0000 Existing today are only guidelines, not regulations. In the US 1000x more radiation is allowed and being transmitted then in any other country.

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Existing today are only guidelines, not regulations. In the US 1000x more radiation is allowed and being transmitted then in any other country.

Industry RF/MW Radiation Guideline Is NOT A Safety Standard


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Under The Microscope Fri, 09 Sep 2022 15:37:26 +0000

We always want definitive proof that a protocol or therapy works or doesn’t work. Looking under a microscope is about as definitive as you can get. Let’s first start...

The post Under The Microscope appeared first on Elaine's Magnetic World.



We always want definitive proof that a protocol or therapy works or doesn’t work. Looking under a microscope is about as definitive as you can get.

Let’s first start with how things look under a microscope when in a cell phone is put next to the sample. Looking at the images of the Alcatel and Nokia cell phones we see 4 blood samples which were placed in close proximity to the cell phones. The first shows after exposure of 15 minutes and the second after 30 minutes. How long do you keep your cell phone next to your head or in your pocket or for the ladies reading this, in your bra?

The image shows the blood cells coagulating / clumping together. This interferes with the bloods flow in the vessels, the viscosity. So in the presence of the cell phones, our blood viscosity is impaired (high viscosity). Then when the phone is removed, it returns to normal.

But what about the cell phone of your friends walking with you, or all the other cell phones in your presence? 

Now this study is fairly old so the cell phones are old. Has the hardware design improved to reduce the leakage? Absolutely NOT! In fact studies today show it has gotten worse.

This study shows that applying a magnetic field to the high viscosity blood effected by EMFs improves the blood flow similar to blood thinners like aspirin or other toxic medicines.

Magnets applied to the cylinder in the direction of blood flow aggregate the blood cells in short chains the improve the flow of the blood by reducing the viscosity.

Aggregated red-cell clusters have the shape that favors the flow dynamics, leading to further viscosity reduction.

See more


The end result – improved blood flow which ensure that  blood and oxygen continuously flow smoothly throughout the body, allowing every organ to function properly. It helps increase energy and vitality, to heal wounds faster, it keeps your brain sharp, it keeps your heart healthy, and it even gives your complexion a natural flush.

What a beautiful result! The essence of beauty with a splash of wellness!

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Party Checkout Thu, 08 Sep 2022 16:31:44 +0000

Have you been to a friends party recently and have decided to purchase? Yeah!! And congrats on taking action towards building your beautiful defenses against the assault of the EMFs in your environment. So to give your friend or the party host/hostess the credits for your great decision be sure to select their party in the checkout process as in the picture above. Remember we can only leave the party open for a certain period of time, usually 2 - 4 weeks. If you don't see the party listed that you attended, then maybe it's time for you to have […]

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Have you been to a friends party recently and have decided to purchase?

Yeah!! And congrats on taking action towards building your beautiful defenses against the assault of the EMFs in your environment.

So to give your friend or the party host/hostess the credits for your great decision be sure to select their party in the checkout process as in the picture above.

Remember we can only leave the party open for a certain period of time, usually 2 – 4 weeks.

If you don’t see the party listed that you attended, then maybe it’s time for you to have your own and make your purchase with the discounts you will receive as the host/hostess. (Or simply choose another party if you’d like.) 

Enjoy your Tudes and be sure to subscribe to learn about specials and to join in on the conversations.

Thank you!!


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Magnets on Wrist Relieve Hip & Knee Pain Thu, 08 Sep 2022 05:35:51 +0000 Wearing a standard strength static bipolar magnetic bracelet, a weak magnetic bracelet, or a non-magnetic (dummy) bracelet for 12 weeks.Group A - Standard neodymium magnets set in a steel backing cup, with the open side facing the ventral wrist, creating a fluctuating magnetic pattern across the bracelet (fig 1). The field strength at the wrist contact surface was 170-200 mTesla (1700 - 2000 gauss).Here's the study.

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Wearing a standard strength static bipolar magnetic bracelet, a weak magnetic bracelet, or a non-magnetic (dummy) bracelet for 12 weeks.

Group A – Standard neodymium magnets set in a steel backing cup, with the open side facing the ventral wrist, creating a fluctuating magnetic pattern across the bracelet (fig 1). The field strength at the wrist contact surface was 170-200 mTesla (1700 – 2000 gauss).

Here’s the study.

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This Month’s Special Wed, 07 Sep 2022 16:38:39 +0000

Bracelet of the Month - LIMITED EDITION - Cirq Artisan Boxed SetBOM-006YOUR PRICE: $89.00REGULAR PRICE: $105.00Check it out here!

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The post This Month’s Special appeared first on Elaine's Magnetic World.

Team Membership Mon, 05 Sep 2022 16:28:33 +0000 Joining my team is easy! You become a part of my team simply by subscribing and becoming one of my YouGems! And then participating in other future parties! Why would you want to do this? Because they're fun and your personal experience with the Magnetude Jewelry speaks wonders at a party!Want to help sell? Oh yeah! It is not expensive to join as a Magnetude Jewelry rep, what they call a Gem! And working under me provides you additional bonuses that you won't get under someone else! Like use of my website, regular newsletters to our community and more. […]

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Joining my team is easy! You become a part of my team simply by subscribing and becoming one of my YouGems! And then participating in other future parties! Why would you want to do this? Because they’re fun and your personal experience with the Magnetude Jewelry speaks wonders at a party!

Want to help sell? Oh yeah! It is not expensive to join as a Magnetude Jewelry rep, what they call a Gem! And working under me provides you additional bonuses that you won’t get under someone else! Like use of my website, regular newsletters to our community and more. (Don’t have this set up yet, but in the process!) I’ll invite you to my shows to help out and get experience and share the bonuses. Possibly even let you get credit for a show or party if I don’t need it. And more that I still have to figure out!

Minimal cost to become a rep (Gem) is $99 for a replicated site from Magnetude Jewelry. All the links from my YouTudes site go to my replicated site. The replicated site needs to be renewed each year at the $99 cost.

You can also join with a higher investment and get huge discount on some products so that you have more inventory to display at your parties. There are 3 investment levels – Starter – $179, On the Go – $379, and Big Splash – $1000. The only difference between these levels is the investment for the inventory. 

Contact me when you are ready to graduate to the next level and become a rep!

Here is a document that explains it.


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Baltimore MD Launch Party! Sat, 03 Sep 2022 01:34:12 +0000

You're Invited To Elaine's (Nelda's) Magnetic World Pre-Launch Party! September 7, 6 PM - 8 PM  Baltimore, Maryland. (Exact location will be provided with RSVP.) Add to calendar - iCal, Google

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You’re Invited To Elaine’s (Nelda’s) Magnetic World

Pre-Launch Party!

September 7, 6 PM – 8 PM 

Baltimore, Maryland. (Exact location will be provided with RSVP.)

Add to calendar – iCal, Google

Come have a great time learning about YouTudes and Magnetude Jewelry and how the essence of beauty can enhance your wellness!


Baltimore MD Launch Party!

Welcome to the launch of Elaine’s Magnetic World!

This awesome party will be held at the waterfront of my wonderful friend Robin, in Pasadena Maryland. It’s sure to be a blast as we kick off this new business for Elaine (Nelda) and help to spread God’s word of the cellular effects of these natural magnetic and beautiful pieces of jewelry.

Full disclosure – I’m using my middle name for this private business so that I can freely post about it on Fakebook and not be concerned about it being censored. My account under my first name is censored and shut down often because I post the truth. Yes, this is me – Nelda!! 

For privacy reasons, please RSVP to get the exact address and location. 


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Schedule Your Party! Mon, 29 Aug 2022 22:59:57 +0000 Contact me to schedule your own party to host! Huge discounts are offered to the party hostess and of course we have a tude of fun!! Your friends will appreciate you providing this opportunity for them to learn about new solutions to the EMF assault they are experiencing! (Eventually I will have a scheduling tool. But no time to work on that now! Stay tuned though! And subscribe so that you are the first to know when the schedule tool is installed!!)

The post Schedule Your Party! appeared first on Elaine's Magnetic World.


Contact me to schedule your own party to host! Huge discounts are offered to the party hostess and of course we have a tude of fun!! Your friends will appreciate you providing this opportunity for them to learn about new solutions to the EMF assault they are experiencing!

(Eventually I will have a scheduling tool. But no time to work on that now! Stay tuned though! And subscribe so that you are the first to know when the schedule tool is installed!!)

The post Schedule Your Party! appeared first on Elaine's Magnetic World.

Pasadena MD Launch Party! Mon, 29 Aug 2022 16:18:29 +0000

You're Invited To Elaine's (Nelda's) Magnetic World Launch Party! September 10, 2 PM - 4 PM  Pasadena, Maryland. (Exact location will be provided with RSVP.) Add to calendar - iCal, Google

The post Pasadena MD Launch Party! appeared first on Elaine's Magnetic World.


You’re Invited To Elaine’s (Nelda’s) Magnetic World

Launch Party!

September 10, 2 PM – 4 PM 

Pasadena, Maryland. (Exact location will be provided with RSVP.)

Add to calendar – iCal, Google

Come have a great time learning about YouTudes and Magnetude Jewelry and how the essence of beauty can enhance your wellness!


Pasadena MD Launch Party!

Welcome to the launch of Elaine’s Magnetic World!

This awesome party will be held at the waterfront of my wonderful friend Robin, in Pasadena Maryland. It’s sure to be a blast as we kick off this new business for Elaine (Nelda) and help to spread God’s word of the cellular effects of these natural magnetic and beautiful pieces of jewelry.

Full disclosure – I’m using my middle name for this private business so that I can freely post about it on Fakebook and not be concerned about it being censored. My account under my first name is censored and shut down often because I post the truth. Yes, this is me – Nelda!! 

For privacy reasons, please RSVP to get the exact address and location. 


The post Pasadena MD Launch Party! appeared first on Elaine's Magnetic World.
