Tudes Work! Here’s Proof!
An extensive list of studies that show magnets of lesser strength help in many different inflammatory type conditions.
Many articles and studies support the using of neodymium magnets as a natural wellness defense against the destructive effects of EMF’s. A holistic approach, which includes minimizing EMF exposure as well as minimizing and removing other toxins causing inflammations and negative effects from your environment and your diet will also have a profound effect.
Eat clean, drink clean, Live Clean!
An extensive list of studies that show magnets of lesser strength help in many different inflammatory type conditions.
Existing today are only guidelines, not regulations. In the US 1000x more radiation is allowed and being transmitted then in any other country.
We always want definitive proof that a protocol or therapy works or doesn’t work. Looking under a microscope is about as definitive as you can get. Let’s first start…